Australian native plant for green roofs

Im a bit passionate about our unique Australian flora, particularly those that I can grow on buildings. For this reason I have been trying to track down a tough one over the past couple of years. Due to recent fires, it was particularly difficult to find one, and even when I did, all seeds were burnt off.

Well I finally found one! I was please to sow around 200 seeds, but none came up. This was quite surprising as the plant, Allocasuarina nana is from the Casurinaceae family. I would have thought would be an easy plant to propagate.

Allocasuarina nana

So I tried quite a number of methods, which for this time I will keep a secret. I have finally worked out how to make them germinate. Only very small now this hardy shrub should thrive in shallow soils. I really look forward to planting some on your roofs so I can provide habitat and biodiversity outcomes.